Expense Management is a process where the fieldworkers can submit their expenses with the details of the expenses incurred and the office manager on the other hand can look into the details of the expenses to approve or disapprove it.
Ok, lets see a situation wherein a fieldworker of a HVAC company is assigned a job for AC installation and when he takes all the parts with him for the installation, he accidentally misses a part or the company forgets to give him that part. If the location of the job site is far away from the company , the fieldworker will be confused as to whether he should purchase the part from a nearby place and complete the installation work or should he go back to the company to take the missing part.
If a company uses a field service software which is enabled with an expense management module will definitely be useful in this situation.
EyeOnTask is a field service software which has a powerful expense management software in which the fieldworkers on the mobile app can add their expenses, upload receipts of the expenses made, add description about the expenses, link those expenses to the Job or Client for which they provided the services and categorize them on the basis of the type of expense made like travel expenses, refreshments expenses, or expenses incurred due to purchasing of an additional item which was needed to be installed at the client site.
With EyeOnTask’s mobile app a fieldworker can group the expenses he made. Like if a fieldworker is sent out of the city for the installation work, he can group all his expenses of food, travel, accommodation together into one group and claim it from the company.
The back office manager who is using the EyeonTask’s web admin dashboard on the other side will be able to check all the expenses added by the fieldworkers for claiming the reimbursement. He can then change the status of the expenses by approving or rejecting it.
With EyeOnTask’s admin dashboard a manager can add expenses on behalf of a fieldworker who might have issues with internet connection when he is on the field.